Hair Transplant

Basics of FUE Hair Transplantation

FUE hair transplantation is one of the most popular transplant techniques against hair loss and baldness. Thanks to the FUE method, it is not a dream to have lively and lush hair as before. Hair loss and baldness is a problem that can be seen in both men and women. To solve this problem radically, permanent solutions such as the FUE method have begun to be produced in the field of medicine.

What Is FUE Hair Transplantation?

FUE hair transplantation is a transplant procedure without any surgical intervention. In this procedure, which is performed by applying local anesthesia, a donor site should be selected from the neck or behind the ear. In this process for hair loss problems, healthy hair roots are used.

The healthy hair tissue taken from the nape root or behind the ear is transferred to the area to be transplanted. All these procedures are absolutely painless and painless. In the FUE method, recovery is seen very quickly.

FUE in the hair transplant method is the most popular method among transplantation techniques. This method is a technique that takes the first place in hair transplantation in Turkey searches.

How is FUE Hair Transplantation done? – Before and After FUE

FUE hair transplantation is a very effective transplant technique performed by taking a graft. Before the FUE procedure, the region with healthy hair follicles should be selected as a donor. The hair in this area is also shortened just before the procedure. The tissue taken from the healthy area is then transferred to the area to be transplanted.

There is no need to panic about FUE hair transplantation before and after. With the use of the drugs given by the specialist, the scalp will begin to return to its original state after 15 days.

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